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Vote after vote

The year 2023 started in Berlin, where the re-run election of the House of Representatives took place. In May, the citizens of Bremen elected their new parliament. The results of the online surveys for both elections are already published . The state elections in Hessen and Bavaria followed in autumn, both on 08.10.2023. You will be able to find the results of the online surveys here soon.

Looking forward to 2024, we are expecting the European Election, followed by three elections in former East Germany. 

The Wahl-O-Mat versions are published online about four weeks before the respective state elections. You can view the results of the Wahl-O-Mat research on the past elections here.


Wahl-O-Mat Research @Science night

This year, the Wahl-O-Mat research team from the University of Düsseldorf was once again part of the Night of Science. Henrik Domansky - leading research assistant of the research team - says: "It was a pleasure for us to participate in this great event for the third time after 2015 and 2019. Especially after the last few years, in which personal contact between the scientists and the public unfortunately had to take a backseat, this was a valuable opportunity for exchange."

The team was on site with various Wahl-O-Mat versions that visitors could play.

The Wahl-O-Mat as podcast

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary, the head of the Wahl-O-Mat research team, Professor Marschall, reminisced about the tool's success story. We hope you enjoy the smaller and larger stories! The podcast is available on all prominent podcast platforms. Among others the podcast explaines how the theses are developed, what the intention behind the project is and what part the research team plays in the development and evaluation of results. We hope you enjoy listening!

Have a listen


The Bundestagswahl (national elections) - A new record!

The Wahl-O-Mat for the 2021 Bundestag election was used more than 21 million times, eclipsing the old record from 2017.

The tool for the election to the 20th German Bundestag was available to voters from 02 September.

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