Universitätsstr. 1, 40225 Düsseldorf
Ulenbergstraße 127, 40225 Düsseldorf Building: 37.03
Floor/room: 2.19
Nordrhein-Westfalen Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Univ.-Prof., Dr. habil. - Studied political science, sociology and economics at the Gerhard Mercator University in Duisburg. 1988 to 1999 research associate and university assistant at the same university. Doctorate (Dr. phil.) in 1992, habilitation in political science in 1999. From 1999 to 2000, he was a substitute professor for political science at the FernUniversität Hagen, then research professor for political science and communication studies at the Liechtenstein Institute in the Principality of Liechtenstein. 2003 to 2006 Professor of Journalism at the University of Zurich. 2007 to 2017 Full Professor of Communication Studies at the Institute of Communication Studies, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. End of 2017 appointment to the chair of KMW I at the Institute for Social Sciences at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.
Marcinkowski, F. (2020). Systemtheorie und politische Kommunikation. In I. Borucki, K. Kleinen-von-Königslöw, S. Marschall, & T. Zerback (Hrsg.) Handbuch Politische Kommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-26242-6_5-1
Entradas, M., Bauer, M. W., O'Muircheartaigh, C., Marcinkowski, F., Okamura, A., Pellegrini, G. et al. (2020). Public communication by research institutes compared across countries and sciences: Building capacity for engagement or competing for visibility? PloS one 15(7), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0235191
Marcinkowski, F. & Dosenovic, P. (2020). From incidental exposure to intentional avoidance: Psychological reactance to political communication during the 2017 German national election campaign. New Media & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444820902104
Lünich, M., Starke, C., Marcinkowski, F., & Dosenovic, P. (2019). Double Crisis: Sport Mega Events and the Future of Public Service Broadcasting. Communication & Sport. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167479519859208
Marcinkowski, F. & Starke, C. (2018). Trust in Government: What’s News Media Got to Do With It? Studies in Communication Sciences, 18(1), 87-102. doi: https://doi.org/10.24434/j.scoms.2018.01.006 (Best Paper Award 2018)
Lünich, M., & Marcinkowski, F. (2018). Der Facebook-Datenskandal im Spiegel der öffentlichen Meinung. Précis für das Düsseldorfer Institut für Internet und Demokratie (DIID). Abrufbar unter Link
Strebel, M., Kübler, D., Marcinkowski, F. (2018) The importance of input and output legitimacy in democratic governance. Evidence from a population-based survey experiment in four West European countries. European Journal of Political Research (forthcoming)
Marcinkowski, F., Lünich, M., F. Starke, C. (2018). Spontaneous Trait Inferences from Candidates’ Faces: The Impact of the Face Effect on Election Outcomes in Germany. Acta Politica,53(2), 231-247.
Marcinkowski, F. (2018). Staat in Angst: politisches Kalkül oder publizistische Nebenwirkung? In: Blum, R. u.a. (Hrsg.) Intimisierung des Öffentlichen. Reihe Mediensymposium Luzern, Band 14. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Flemming, F., Lünich, M, Marcinkowski, F. & Starke, C. (2016). Coping with dilemma. How German sport media users respond to sport mega events in autocratic countries. International Journal of Sports Sociology, 52(8), 1008-1024.
Hasler, K., Kübler, D., Christman, A., Marcinkowski, F. (2016). Over-responsibilised and over-blamed: elected actors in media reporting on network governance. A comparative analysis in eight European metropolitan areas. Policy & Politics 44 (1), 135-152.
Friedrichsmeier, A. & Marcinkowski, F. (2016). The Interplay of Media Orientation and Policy Efforts in German Higher Education Governance. Policy & Politics 44 (1), 97-113.
Christmann, A., Kübler, D., Hasler, K., Marcinkowski, F., Schemer, C. (2014). New Regionalism – Not Too Complex for the Media Watchdog: Media Reporting and Citizens’ Perception of Democratic Legitimacy in Four European Metropolitan Areas. Urban Affairs Review, 51(5), 676-607.
Marcinkowski, F. & Kohring, M. (2014). The changing rationale of science communication: a challenge for scientific autonomy. Journal of Science Communication 13(3), C04.
Marcinkowski, F. & Steiner, A. (2014). Mediatization and Political Autonomy: A Systems Approach. In Esser, F. & Strömbäck, J. (Eds.) Mediatization of Politics: Understanding the Transformation of Western Democracies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 74-89.
Marcinkowski, F. (2014). Mediatization of Politics. Reflections on the state of a concept. Javnost – The Public, 21(2), 5- 22.
Marcinkowski, F. (2017). The Mediatization of … (everything) – a View from the Systems Perspective Presentation to the Panel on ”Reinvigorating Theory in Journalism Studies” at the 2017 Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). San Diego, USA, 25-29 May 2017.
Marcinkowski, F. & Starke, C. (2016). Why do(n’t) we Trust in Government? An empirical investigation of four different Trust Reasons WAPOR – Regional Conference „ Political Trust in Contemporary Representative Democracies“, Barcelona, Spanien, 24 – 26, November 2016.
Starke, C. & Marcinkowski, F. (2016). Trust in Government. Towards a theoretically informed measurement model WAPOR – Regional Conference „ Political Trust in Contemporary Representative Democracies“, Barcelona, Spanien, 24 – 26, November 2016.