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Curriculum Vitae


Feb.-April 2017

Visiting Fellow at the Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra

Since April 2010

Chair of Comparative Politics

Director/Vice-Director (alternating with Co-Director) of the Düsseldorf Party Research Institute (PRuF)

March 2012 - July 2012 &
September 2008 - March 2009
Visting Fellow at the Department of Social and Political Science, European University Institute, Florence
2006 - 2010 Professor of Political Science at the University of Bochum (Chair)
2005 - 2006 Chair in German and European Politics, Director of the Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham
2000 - 2005 Chair in Political Science and Research Director at the School of Politics, International Relations and the Environment (SPIRE), Keele University, UK
1999 - 2000 Temporary Chair in Political Science, University of Bielefeld
1996 - 1999 Senior Research Fellow (Habilitand) at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, University of Mannheim
1990 - 1996 Assistant Professor (Hochschulassistent) at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Max Kaase/Prof. Dr. Jan van Deth, University of Mannheim
1987 - 1990

Research Associate (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Research Unit for Societal Developments, University of Mannheim, directed by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Wildenmann
Winter term 1989/90 part-time lecturer, University of Stuttgart

1980 - 1982 and 1986 - 1987 Freelance writer and photographer for the Esslinger Zeitung

Research projects

2014- Political Party Database Project: How Parties Shape Democracy
ORA grant for a 21 country study coordinated by Susan Scarrow (Houston), Paul Webb (Sussex) and Thomas Poguntke (Düsseldorf)
(DFG grant No. PO 370/11-1)
Project Co-Director and Co-Applicant
2014- Freie Wähler: Mitglieder, Identität, Organisation. Eine Mitgliederbefragung (Free Electoral List: Members, Identity, Oranization. A Membership Survey)
(DFG grant No. PO 370/10-1)
Principal Applicant

2008 - 2014

Europarteien auf Ostkurs. Der Einfluss der Europarteien auf osteuropäische Parteien und Parteiensysteme (Europarties going East. The Influence of Europarties on Parties and Party Systems in Eastern Europe)

Project at The Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES)
(DFG Grant No. DE 630/10-1)
Project Co-Director and Co-Applicant

2008 - 2010

Party Patronage
German country study of a 17-nation study coordinated by Dr. Petr Kopecký, Leiden University and Prof. Peter Mair, EUI
(grant by the German Research Foundation DFG)
Principal Applicant

2003 - 2006

The Europeanisation of National Political Parties
15-Nation-Study (ESRC Grant No. R000 23 9793)
Principal Applicant

2001 - 2006

Parteien und Demokratie in der Europäischen Union. Euro-Parteien als neue demokratische Vermittlerinstanzen in der EU? (Parties and Democracy in the European Union: Euro-Parties as New Democratic Intermediaries?)

Project at The Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES)
(DFG Grant No. DE 630/10-1)
Project Co-Director and Co-Applicant (with Jan van Deth)

2001 - 2002

The Presidentialization of German Politics
(Research Grant by The British Academy, grant no. SG-32843)
Applicant/Sole Investigator

1997 - 1999

The Development of Organizational Linkages between Parties and Society in Western Europe (1960-1989)(Grants PO 370/6-1 and PO 370/6-2 by the German Research Foundation)
Applicant/Sole Investigator

1993 - 1996

Environment, Performance, and Leadership as Factors in Party Change, 1950 - 1990
4-nation-study directed by Prof. Kenneth Janda, Northwestern University and Prof. Robert Harmel, Texas A&M University
(Grant SES-9112357 by the National Science Foundation, USA)
Project Consultant for Germany

1987 - 1994

Party Organization and Organizational Adapation, 1960 - 1990
12 nation study directed by Prof. Richard S. Katz, Johns-Hopkins University and Prof. Peter Mair, University of Leiden, NL
(Grants SES-8818439 by the National Science Foundation, USA and 4859/90 by the German Research Foundation)
Applicant/Project Director for German sub-project

1989 - 1991

Consensus on Defence Policies in the Federal Republic
Research Unit for Societal Developments, University of Mannheim (Grant WJ 137/35-1 by the German Research Foundation)
Sole Investigator

1988 - 1989

The Future of the German Catch-All Parties
Research Unit for Societal Developments, University of Mannheim
Project Coordinator

1987 - 1988

Acceptance of New Technology in Western Democracies
Research Unit for Societal Developments, University of Mannheim
Project Researcher


2015 -

Member of the editorial board of Acta Politica

2009 -

Member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR), European University Institute, Florence


Co-Direktor of the 19th ECPR Standing Group Summer School 'Political Parties and European Politics', 15. - 25. September 2009, European University Institute, Florence


Co-Director of the 18th ECPR Standing Group Summer School 'Political Parties and European Politics', 8. - 19. September 2008, European University Institute, Florence

2006 -

Co-Editor of German Politics

2005 -

Member of the Editorial Board of West European Politics

2003 - 2010

Series Editor of Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science


Co-Convenor of Section on 'Challenger Parties in Government' at ECPR General Conference, Marburg (with Jan Sundberg)

2001 -

Fellow at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim

2001 -

Member of the Editorial Board of Party Politics

2000 - 2003

Member of ,Executive Council' of the organized section on ,Political Organizations and Parties' (POP) American Political Science Association (APSA)


Co-Director of the workshop' From Aggregation to Diffusion? Parties in Individualistic Society' (with Kay Lawson, San Francisco State University), joint meeting of the Standing Group on Political Parties Section of the ECPR and the Workgroup for Parties and Elections of the CPS (IPSA and ISA), Copenhagen 14 April


Co-Director of the workshop on 'The Presidentialization of Parliamentary Democracies?' (with Paul Webb, Brunel University), 28th Joint Sessions of Workshop, Copenhagen, 14 - 19 April 2000)

1999 - 2003

Convenor of the Standing Group on Political Parties of the ECPR


Co-Director of the workshop on 'Anti-Party Sentiment' (with Susan Scarrow, University of Houston, Texas), 22nd Joint Sessions of Workshops, Madrid, 17 - 22 April 1994

1992 - 2000

Member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Politics

Grants and Scholarships

Visiting Fellowship, Australian National University (AUD 10 000).

Political Party Database Project: How Parties Shape Democracy. ORA grant for a 21 country study coordinated by Susan Scarrow (Houston), Paul Webb (Sussex) and Thomas Poguntke (Düsseldorf); (DFG grant No. PO 370/11-1; volume of German grant € 200 000).

Freie Wähler: Mitglieder, Identität, Organisation. Eine Mitgliederbefragung
(DFG grant No. PO 370/10-1; volume € 256 000)

Europarties Heading East. The Influence of Europarties on East European Parties and Party Systems. Funded by th German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), (co-applicant Prof. Dr. Jan von Deth) (DFG grant No. DE 630/10-1, volume € 240 000)

Party Patronage, German country study of a 17-nation study coordinated by Dr. Petr Kopecký, Leiden University and Prof. Peter Mair, EUI (DFG grant No. PO 370/7-1, volume € 20 000)

Parties and Democracy in the European Union. Euro-Parties as New Democratic Intermediaries? Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), (co-applicant Prof. Dr. Jan van Deth) (DFG grant No. DE 630/10-1; two-year project, ); volume approx. £ 100 000

Research Award of ESRC, 2002, 'The Europeanisation of National Politial Parties', Principal applicant: Thomas Poguntke; Co-applicants: Nicholas Aylott, Robert Ladrech, Kurt Richard Luther (No. R000 23 9793; £ 143 800) and £ 87 000 by the Keele Investment Fund of Keele University

ESF/SCSS Exploratory Workshop, 2001, 'The Presidentialisation of Politics in Democratic Societies?', Co-applicants: Thomas Poguntke und Paul Webb' (Ref. PR/SCSS/01-27S)

Research Grant by The British Academy, 2001, (No. SG-32843) for a project on 'The Presidentialization of German Politics'

Travel Grant of the British Academy for Annual Conference of the APSA 2001

Publication grant by the German research Foundation (DFG) (grant no. PO 370/6-4)

Grant for completion of a professorial thesis by the German research Foundation (DFG) ,Habilitandenstipendium' and Sachbeihilfe der DFG, 1997 - 99 (PO 370/6-1 und PO 370/6-2); volume: equivalent to 2 years and 9 months salary

Study for the Commission for Research on the Social and Political Transformation in the New Länder (KSPW) on 'Structures of political interest intermediation: Alliance 90/The Greens', 1995

Travel grants by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to support the participation at the Annual Meeting of the Americal Political Science Association in the years 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996

Travel grant by the the APSA to support the participation at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association in the 1991

Travel grant by the ESF for the participation at the 'ESF/ESRC Conference on Political Participation', University of Manchester, 5 - 8 January 1990

Grant for the German sub-project 'Party Organization and Organizational Adaptation in the Last Third of the 20th Century', 1989/1990, German Research Foundation (DFG), AZ WI 896/2-1 (due to formal reasons the application was signed Prof. Dr. Ulrich Widmaier)

Grant for an international conference on 'Party Organization and Organizational Adaptation in the Last Third of the 20th Century', Mannheim, 5/6 July 1990, German Research Foundation (DFG), AZ 4850/15/90 (due to formal reasons the application was signed Prof. Dr. Ulrich Widmaier)

Scholarship by the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, for the Institute's Ph.D. programme, 1985 - 1986

Scholarship by the DAAD for the Ph.D. programme at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 1983 - 1985

Scholarship by the King Edward VII British-German Foundation to support an academic year at the LSE (1982/1983)



Habilitation at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mann­heim

Title of the Habilitation Thesis: Stabilität und Wandel. Die Entwick­lung der organisatorischen Verbindungen von Parteien und Bürgern in Westeuropa (1960 - 89)

(Stability and Change. The Development of Organizational Linkages between Parties and Citizens in Western Europe (1960 - 89)


Ph.D. awarded by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the European University Institute, Florence
Title of Dissertation: An Alternative Politics? The German Green Party in a Comparative Context


Participation at the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection

1983 - 1987

1983 - 1987 Ph.D. student at the European University Institute, Florence (Scholarship by the DAAD and the European University Institute)

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ian Budge, European University Institute and University of Essex


M.Sc. (Econ), LSE

1982 - 1983

London School of Economics and Political Science

(Course: The Politics and Government of Western Europe; Scholar­ship by King Edward VII British-German Foundation)

1979 - 1982

Universität Stuttgart

Courses: History/Political Science


Abitur Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium Esslingen

Academic Leadership

2010 - Director/Vice-Director of the Düsseldorf Party Research Institute (PRuF), Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
2012 – 2017 Member of the Board of the University Research Fund, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
2007/08 and 2009/10 Speaker of the Political Science Department, Faculty of Social Science, University of Bochum

2005 - 2006

Director of the Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham

2000 - 2005

Research Director, SPIRE, Keele University

1993/1994 Deputy Member of the University Senate, Mannheim

Reviewer for

  • American Journal of Political Scinece
  • Comparative Politics
  • Comparative European Politics
  • DAAD
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  • Economic & Social Science Research Council (ESRC), UK
  • European Journal of Political Research
  • European Journal of International Relations
  • European Science Foundation (ESF)
  • Environmental Politics
  • British Journal of Political Science
  • Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen / Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (Belgium)
  • Government and Opposition
  • German Politics
  • Nuffield Foundation
  • Oxford University Press
  • Party Politics
  • Polish Science Foundation
  • Political Studies
  • Politics
  • Politische Vierteljahresschrift
  • Sage
  • Scandinavian Political Studies
  • Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
  • The Research Council of Norway
  • Routledge
  • Mobilization


Interviews on German and Comparative Politics (among others):

  • Asahi Shimbun
  • Antenne Thüringen
  • Berlin Aktuell 15,6
  • Australian National Public Radio
  • Dagens Nyheter
  • Christian Science Monitor
  • The Economists
  • Focus
  • Radio New Zealand
  • Stuttgarter Zeitung
  • Sat 1
  • Spreeradio
  • Le Monde
  • Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
  • New York Times
  • Norddeutscher Rundfunk
  • Phoenix
  • Rheinische Post
  • Reuters
  • Handelsblatt
  • Hessischer Rundfunk
  • Westdeutscher Rundfunk
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Westdeutscher Rundfunk
  • Wirtschaftswoche
  • ZDF Online
  • Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen
  • 98,5 Radio Bochum
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