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Current Research Projects

Antisemitism in the General Population of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2024

principal investigators: Heiko Beyer and Lars Rensmann (Passau University)

funding agency: Land North Rhine Westphalia

duration: Oct. 2022 – Dec. 2024

goal: The study sheds light on the different milieu-specific and situational manifestations of antisemitic attitudes, speech and behavioral preferences. Using new antisemitism scales and survey experiments the study will investigate the specific social and situational contexts, forms and dimensions of antisemitism and shed light on their proliferation in different milieus. The results will then be used to develop recommendations for action via educational programs combating antisemitism. Download research report

Social Contexts of Equality Practices: Global, National and Situational Environments of the Enforcement of Human Rights

principal investigator: Heiko Beyer

funding agency: German Research Foundation (Heisenberg program)

duration: Apr. 2019 – Dec. 2024

goal: The Heisenberg project explores the contradictory and conflicting dynamics of human rights policies and the social contexts of their implementation. The aim is to examine the multilayered structure of the phenomenon looking not only at the world societal level but also at the national-institutional and life-world dimensions. In addition to the theoretical development of the paradoxes of global human rights, the research project aims to empirically analyze the emergence of informal norms of freedom and equality as well as the conditions for the practical compliance with such norms in everyday life.

The Impact of Radical Islam on Jewish Life in Germany

principal investigators: Heiko Beyer and Melanie Reddig

funding agency: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

duration: Oct. 2020 – Sept. 2024

goal: The project examines whether and in which way radical political Islam together and in comparison with other political ideologies is responsible for increased experiences of discrimination, perceptions of threat, and behavioral intentions of Jews living in Germany. By means of a standardized online survey as well as qualitative interviews, both the prevalence and the causes of these three phenomena will be investigated and the significance of Islamist antisemitism as perceived by the Jewish community determined. The implementation of the results of the project will be carried out in close cooperation with a practice partner from the field of political education (Netzwerk für Demokratie und Courage e.V.).

For more information on current research please visit my Research Gate profile.
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