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von dem Berge, Benjamin, Thomas Poguntke, Peter Obert & Diana Tipei (2013), Measuring Intra-Party Democracy. A Guide for the Content Analysis of Party Statutes with Examples from Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, Heidelberg: Springer.

Poguntke, Thomas (2000), Parteiorganisation im Wandel. Gesellschaftliche Verankerung und organisatorische Anpassung im europäischen Vergleich, Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

-- (1993), Alternative Politics: The German Green Party, Edin­burgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Edited Volumes:

Scarrow, Susan E., Paul D. Webb & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2017), Organizing Political Parties: Representation, Participation and Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Harfst, Philipp, Ina Kubbe & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2017), Parties, Governments and Elites. The Comparative Study of Democracy. Wiesbaden: SpringerVS.

--, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck & Sonja Zmerli (eds.) (2015), Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis. Essays in Honour of Jan W. van Deth, London/New York: Routledge.

De Petris, Andrea & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2015), Anti-Party Parties in Germany and Italy. Protest Movements and Parliamentary Democracy, Rome: Luiss University Press.

--, Nicholas Aylott, Elisabeth Carter, Robert Ladrech & Kurt Richard Luther (eds.) (2007), The Europeanization of National Political Parties: Power and Organizational Adaptation, London/New York: Routledge (paperback edition 2008).

-- & Paul Webb (eds.) (2005), The Presidentialization of Politics. A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press (paperback edition 2007; expanded Japanese translation 2014).

Lawson, Kay & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2004), How Political Parties Respond. Interest Aggregation Revisited, London/New York: Routledge (paperback edition 2011).

Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2002), Green Parties in National Governments, London and Portland, OR: Frank Cass (also published as Special Issue of Environmental Politics, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2002). Chinese translation published by Shandong University Press 2005.

Padgett, Stephen & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2002), Continuity and Change in German Politics: Beyond the Politics of Centrality. A Festschrift for Gordon Smith, London and Portland, OR: Frank Cass (also published as Special Issue of German Politics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2001).

Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (1995), New Politics, Aldershot: Dartmouth.

Special Issues:

-- & Thomas Saalfeld (eds.) (2011), The German Election of 2009, Special Issue of German Politics, Vol. 20, No. 1.

-- & Susan E. Scarrow (eds.) (1996), The Politics of Anti-Party Sentiment, Special Issue of the European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 29, No. 3.

Collaborative Publication:

Wildenmann, Rudolf (1989), Volksparteien. Ratlose Riesen?, Eine Studie unter Mitarbeit von Werner Kaltefleiter, Manfred Küchler, Alf Mintzel, Karl-Heinz Naßmacher, Hans-Martin Pawlo­wski, Thomas Poguntke, Gunnar Sjöblom, Gordon Smith, Ulrich Widmaier, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Conference Volumes (Düsseldorf Party Research Institute PRuF)

Morlok, Martin, Thomas Poguntke & Ewgenij Sokolov (eds.) (2018), Parteienstaat – Parteiendemokratie. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Morlok, Martin, Thomas Poguntke & Gregor Zons (eds.) (2016), Etablierungschancen neuer Parteien, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Krüper, Julian, Heike Merten & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2015), Parteienwissenschaften, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Morlok, Martin, Thomas Poguntke & Sebastian Bukow (eds.) (2014), Parteien, Demokratie und Staatsbürgerschaft, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

--, Martin Morlok & Heike Merten (eds.) (2013), Auf dem Weg zu einer europäischen Parteiendemokratie?, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Morlok, Martin, Thomas Poguntke & Jens Walther (eds.) (2012), Politik an den Parteien vorbei. Freie Wähler und Kommunale Wählergemeinschaften als Alternative, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Rosar, Ulrich & Thomas Poguntke (2023), ‘Via Twitter ins Amt: Karl Lauterbach, die Corona-Pandemie und das Bundesgesundheitsministerium’, in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 509 - 531.

Kelm, Ole, Michael Angenendt, Thomas Poguntke & Ulrich Rosar (2023), ‘Which Candidates Benefit from Social Media? An Analysis of the 2021 German Federal Election’, in: Electoral Studies, Vol. 86, 102701. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102701.

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Vibeke Wøien Hansen, Lise Rødland, Maiken Røed, Heike Klüver, Cal Le Gall, David Marshall, Simon Otjes, Thomas Poguntke, Anne Rasmussen, Sabine Saurugger & Christopher Witko (2023), ‘Introducing the Party-Interest Group Relationships in Contemporary Democracies Datasets’, in: Party Politics, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 394 - 403. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/13540688221075591 (online first 2022)

Scarrow, Susan E., Paul D. Webb and Thomas Poguntke (2022) Intra-Party Decision-making in Contemporary Europe: Improving Representation or Ruling with Empty Shells? Irish Political Studies, DOI: 10.1080/07907184.2022.2046430.

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Vibeke Wøien Hansen, Lise Rødland, Maiken Røed, Heike Klüver, Cal le Gal, David Marshall, Simon Otjes, Thomas Poguntke, Anne Rasmussen, Sabine Saurugger and Christopher Witko (2022) Introducing the Party-Interest Group Relationships in Contemporary Democracies Datasets; DOI: 10.1177/13540688221075591 (Online first 2022).

Paul Webb, Susan Scarrow & Thomas Poguntke (2022): ‘Party Organization and Satisfaction with Democracy: Inside the Blackbox of Linkage’, in: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 151-172.DOI: 10.1080/17457289.2019.1698047 (online first 2019).

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Simon Otjes, Thomas Poguntke, Vibeke Wøien Hansen, Sabine Saurugger & David Marshall, (2020): ‘Conceptualizing and Measuring Party-Interest Group Relationships’, in: Party Politics, S. 1354068820949393.

Franzmann, Simon T., Heiko Giebler & Thomas Poguntke (2020): ‘It’s no Longer the Economy, Stupid! Issue Yield at the 2017 German Federal Election’, in: West European Politics, Vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 610-638. DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2019.1655963 (Online first 2019).

Poguntke, Thomas (2018), ‘The German Party System after the 2017 Elections’, in: federalism.it, No. 24, pp. 1-11.

-- , Susan E. Scarrow, Paul D. Webb et al. (2016), ‘Party Rules, Party Resources and the Politics of Parliamentary Democracies: How Parties Organize in the 21st Century’, in: Party Politics, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 661-678.

-- & Paul Webb (2015), ‘Presidentialization and the Politics of Coalition: Lessons from Germany and Britain’, in: Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 249-275.

-- (2014), ‘Towards a New Party System: The Vanishing Hold of the Catch-all Parties in Germany’, in: Party Politics, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 950 - 963; published online 30. October 2012; pp. 1 - 20; DOI: 10.1177/1354068812462925.

van Biezen, Ingrid & Thomas Poguntke (2014), ‘The Decline of Membership-based Politics’, in: Party Politics, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 205 - 216.

von dem Berge, Benjamin & Thomas Poguntke (2013), ‘The Influence of Europarties on Central and Eastern European Partner Parties: A Theoretical and Analytical Model’, in: European Political Science Review, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 311 - 334.

-- & Paul Webb (2012), ‘The Presidentialization of Politics Thesis Defended’, in: Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 646 – 654.

van Biezen, Ingrid, Peter Mair & Thomas Poguntke (2012), ‘Going, Going, ……Gone? The Decline of Party Membership in Contemporary Europe’, in: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 24 - 56.

-- (2011), ‘Conclusion: Governing under Conditions of Uncertainty’, in: Thomas Poguntke & Thomas Saalfeld (eds.), in: The German Election of 2009, Special Issue of German Politics, Vol. 20, No.1, pp. 223 - 226.

Carter, Elisabeth & Thomas Poguntke (2010), ‘How Europe Changes National Parties. Evidence from a 15-Country-Study’, in: West European Politics, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 297 - 324.

--, Nicholas Aylott, Robert Ladrech & Kurt Richard Luther (2007), ‘The Europeanization of National Party Organizations: A Conceptual Analysis, in: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 747 - 771.

-- & Christine Pütz (2006), ‘Parteien in der Europäischen Union: Zu den Entwicklungschancen der Europarteien’, in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, Vol 37, No. 2, pp. 334 - 353.

-- (2002), ‘Zur empirischen Evidenz der Kartellparteien-These’, in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 790 - 806.

-- (2002), ‘Green Parties in National Governments: From Protest to Acquiescence?’, in: Ferdinand Müller-Rommel & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2002), Green Parties in National Governments, Special Issue of Environmental Politics, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 133 - 145 (also published by Frank Cass, London and Portland, OR, 2002).

Chinese translation published by Shandong University Press 2005.

Reprinted in: John S. Dryzek & David Schlossberg (eds.), Debating the Earth. The Environmental Politics Reader, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2nd edn 2005.

-- (2001), ‘The German Party System: Eternal Crisis?’, in: Stephen Padgett & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2001), Continuity and Change in German Politics: Beyond the Politics of Centrality. A Festschrift for Gordon Smith, Special Issue of German Politics, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 37 - 50 (also published by Frank Cass, 2002).

Padgett, Stephen & Thomas Poguntke (2001), ‘Introduction: Beyond the Politics of Centrality?’, in: Stephen Padgett & Thomas Poguntke (eds.) (2001), Continuity and Change in German Politics: Beyond the Politics of Centrality. A Festschrift for Gordon Smith, Special Issue of German Politics, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1 - 9 (also published by Frank Cass, 2002).

-- (1999), ‘Das Parteiensystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Von Krise zu Krise?’, in: Thomas Ellwein & Everhard Holtmann (eds.), 50 Jahre Bundesrepublik. Rahmenbedingungen - Entwicklungen - Perspektiven, (PVS-Sonderheft 30), Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 429 - 439.

-- (1998), ‘Alliance90/The Greens in East Germany: From Vanguard to Insignificance?’, in: Party Politics, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 33 - 55.

-- & Susan E. Scarrow (1996), ‘The Politics of Anti-Party Sentiment: Introduction’, in: Thomas Poguntke & Susan E. Scarrow (eds.), The Politics of Anti-Party Sentiment, Special Issue of the European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 29, No 3, pp. 257 - 262.

-- (1996), ‘Anti-Party Sentiment - Conceptual Thoughts and Empirical Evidence: Explorations into a Minefield’, in: Thomas Poguntke & Susan E. Scarrow (eds.), The Politics of Anti-Party Sentiment, Special Issue of the European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 319 - 344.

-- & Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (1994), ‘Still the Same with a New Name? Bündnis 90/Die Grünen after the Fusion’, in: German Politics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 91 - 113.

-- (1993), ‘Goodbye to Movement Politics? Organizational Adaptation of the German Green Party’, in: Environmental Politics, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 379 - 404.

-- (1992), ‘The Resurrection of the Christian Democratic Party State?’, in: Politics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 21 - 27.

-- (1992), ‘Unconventional Participation in Party Politics’, in: Political Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 239 - 254.

-- (1992), ‘Between Ideology and Empirical Research: The Literature on the German Green Party’, in: Michael Moran (ed.), European Journal of Political Research: Annual Review, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 337 - 356.

Katz, Richard S., Peter Mair, Luciano Bardi, Lars Bille, Kris Deschouwer, David Farrell, Ruud Koole, Leonardo Morlino, Wolfgang Müller, Jon Pierre, Thomas Poguntke, Jan Sundberg, Lars Svasand, Hella van de Velde, Paul Webb & Anders Widfeldt (1992), ‘The Membership of Political Parties in European Democracies, 1960-1990’, in: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 329 - 345.

-- & Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (1990), ‘Lebensstile und Wahlverhalten’, in: Der Bürger im Staat, No. 3, pp. 171 - 175.

-- (1989), ‘Basisdemokratie als grünes Gegenmodell?’, in: Der Bürger im Staat, No. 4, pp. 255 - 258.

-- (1987) , ‘New Politics and Party Systems: The Emergence of a New Type of Party?’, in: West European Politics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 76 - 88.

-- (1987), ‘The Organization of a Participatory Party - The German Greens’, in: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 15, pp. 609 - 633.

-- (1987), ‘Grün-alternative Parteien: Eine neue Farbe in westlichen Parteiensystemen’, in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 368 - 382.

Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand & Thomas Poguntke (1987), ‘The Greens after the 1987 National Election’, in: German Politics and Society, The Centre for European Studies, Harvard University, No. 11, pp. 30 - 33.

Chapters in Books

Poguntke, Thomas (2021), ‘Leader Politics or Party Politics: The Presidentialization of Politics around the World’, in: Masahiro Iwasaki (eds.), Parliamentary Democracy at the Crossroad, Tokyo: Keisho Shobo, pp. 183 - 202.

Poguntke, Thomas & Susan E. Scarrow (2020): ‘Intra-Party Democracy and Representation.: Necessity, Complement, or Challenge?’ In: Robert Rohrschneider & Jacques Thomassen (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies. Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 323-339.

Poguntke, Thomas/Schmitt, Johannes (2018), ‘The Crisis, Party System Change, and the Growth of Populism’, in: Laffan, Brigid/Cichi, Lorenzo (Hrsg.): 2017: Europe’s Bumper Year of Elections, San Domenico di Fisole: Europe University Institute, pp. 1-24.

Poguntke, Thomas/Webb, Paul (2018), ‘Presidentialization, Personalization and Populism: The Hollowing out of Party Government’, in: Cross, William P./Katz, Richard S./Pruysers, Scott (eds.) , The Personalization of Democratic Politics and the Challenge for Political Parties, London: Rowman Littlefield, pp. 181-196.

Poguntke, Thomas (2018), ‘Präsidentialsiierung: Entmachtung des Parlaments? ’, in: von Arnim, Hans Herbert (eds.), Erosion von Demokratie und Rechtsstaat?, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 189-202.

von dem Berge, Benjamin & Thomas Poguntke (2017), ‘Varieties of Intra-Party Democracy: Conceptualisation and Index Construction’, in: Susan E. Scarrow, Paul D. Webb, & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), Organizing Political Parties: Representation, Participation and Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 136-157

Bolin, Niklas, Nicolas Aylott, Benjamin von dem Berge & Thomas Poguntke (2017), ‘Patterns of Intra-Party Democracy across the World’, in: Susan E. Scarrow, Paul D. Webb & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), Organizing Political Parties: Representation, Participation, and Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 158-184.

Webb, Paul D., Thomas Poguntke, Susan E. Scarrow (2017), ‘Conclusion: The Study of Party Organization’, in: Susan E Scarrow, Paul D. Webb & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), Organizing Political Parties: Representation, Participation, and Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 307-320.

-- (2017), ‘Changing or Getting Changed: The Example of the German Greens’, in: Philipp Harfst, Ina Kubbe & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), Parties, Governments and Elites. The Comparative Study of Democracy, Wiesbaden: SpringerVS, pp. 87-103.

--, Susan E. Scarrow & Paul D. Webb (2017), ‘Political Party Organizations’, in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics,doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.2276.

Harfst, Philipp, Ina Kubbe & Thomas Poguntke (2017), ‘Introduction’, in: Philipp Harfst, Ina Kubbe & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), Parties, Governments and Elites. The Comparative Study of Democracy, Wiesbaden: SpringerVS, pp. 1-5.

-- (2015), ‘The German Party System after the 2013 Election: An Island of Stability in a European Sea of Change?’, in: Andrea de Petris & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), Anti-Party Parties in Germany and Italy. Protest Movements and Parliamentary Democracy, Rome: Luiss University Press, pp. 235 - 253.

-- (2015), ‘Living in Separate Worlds? Left-wing Parties and Trade Unions in European Democracies’, in: Thomas Poguntke, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck & Sonja Zmerli (eds.), Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis. Essays in Honour of Jan W. van Deth, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 169 – 186.

--, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck & Sonja Zmerli (2015), ‘Democratic Citizenship under Challenge’, in: Thomas Poguntke, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck & Sonja Zmerli (eds.), Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis. Essays in Honour of Jan W. van Deth, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 241 - 249.

--, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck & Sonja Zmerli (2015), ‘Introduction: Citizenship, Participation and Democracy in an Era of Crisis’, in: Thomas Poguntke, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck & Sonja Zmerli (eds.), Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis. Essays in Honour of Jan W. van Deth, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 1 - 11.

-- (2015), ‘Die Präsidentialisierung des politischen Prozesses: Welche Rolle bleibt den politischen Parteien?’, in: Julian Krüper, Heike Merten & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), Parteienwissenschaften, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 261 - 282.

Bukow, Sebastian & Thomas Poguntke (2014), ‘Politische Partizipation in Wahlen und Pateien zwischen Nationalstaat und Zuwanderungsgesellschaft’, in: Martin Morlok, Thomas Poguntke & Sebastian Bukow (eds.), Parteien, Demokratie und Staatsbürgerschaft, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 9 - 25.

von dem Berge, Benjamin & Thomas Poguntke (2013), ‘Die Europäisierung nationaler Parteien und europäische Parteien’, in: Oskar Niedermayer (eds.), Handbuch Parteienforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 875 - 904 .

Bukow, Sebastian & Thomas Poguntke (2013), ‘Innerparteiliche Organisation und Willensbildung’, in: Oskar Niedermayer (eds.), Handbuch Parteienforschung, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, pp. 179 - 209.

-- (2013), ‘Electing the President of the European Commission?’, in: Fondazione Italianieuropei, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Foundation for European Progressive Studies, (eds.), Democratic Legitimacy and Political Leadership in the European Union. Towards the 2014 European Elections, Rom: Fondazione Italianieuropei, pp. 16 - 27.

-- (2013), ‘Politik in der Europäischen Union: Parteienherrschaft ohne Parteienregierung’, in: Thomas Poguntke, Martin Morlok & Heike Merten (eds.), Auf dem Weg zu einer europäischen Parteiendemokratie, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 9 - 21.

Webb, Paul, Thomas Poguntke & Robin Kolodny (2012), ‘The Presidentialization of Party Leadership? Evaluating Party Leadership and Party Government in the Democratic World’, in: Ludger Helms (eds.), Comparative Political Leadership, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

John, Stefanie & Thomas Poguntke (2012), ‘Party Patronage in Germany: The Strategic Use of Appointments’, in: Petr Kopecky, Peter Mair & Maria Spirova (eds.), Party Patronage and Party Government in European Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. S. 121-143.

Morlok, Martin, Thomas Poguntke & Jens Walther (2012), ‘Freie Wähler und Kommunale Wählergemeinschaften aus parteienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive’, in: Martin Morlok, Thomas Poguntke & Jens Walther (eds.), Politik an den Parteien vorbei. Freie Wähler und Kommunale Wählergemeinschaften als Alternative, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 9 - 23.

-- (2011), ‘Ratlose Zwerge: Sind die Volksparteien am Ende?’, in: Evelyn Bytzek & Sigrid Roßteutscher (eds.), Der unbekannte Wähler: Mythen und Fakten über das Wahlverhalten der Deutschen, Frankfurt/New York: Campus, pp. 115 - 132.

Eising, Rainer & Thomas Poguntke (2011), ‘Government and Governance in Europe’, in: Eric Jones, Paul Heywood, Martin Rhodes & Ulrich Sedelmeier (eds.), Developments in European Politics 2nd, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave/Mcmillan, pp. 45 - 64.

-- & Gordon Smith (2010), ‘Landmark Elections in Germany’, in: Simon Bulmer, Charlie Jeffery & Stephen Padgett (eds.), Rethinking Germany and Europe. Democracy and Diplomacy in a Semi-Sovereign State, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 59 - 72.

-- (2008), ‘Party Government in the EU: On the Road to Presidentialization?’, in: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard & Karina Kosiara-Pedersen (eds.), Partier og Partisystemer i Forandring. Festskrift til Lars Bille, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, pp. 109 - 126.

-- (2007), ‘Europeanization in a Consensual Environment: The Case of German Political Parties’, in: Thomas Poguntke, Nicholas Aylott, Elisabeth Carter, Robert Ladrech & Kurt Richard Luther (eds.), The Europeanization of National Political Parties: Power and Organizational Adaptation, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 108 - 133.

Carter, Elisabeth, Kurt Richard Luther & Thomas Poguntke (2007), ‘European Integration and Internal Party Dynamics’, in: Thomas Poguntke, Nicholas Aylott, Elisabeth Carter, Robert Ladrech & Kurt Richard Luther (eds.), The Europeanization of National Political Parties: Power and Organizational Adaptation, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 1 - 27.

-- (2007), ‘From Nuclear Building Sites to Cabinet: The Career of the German Green Party’, in: Huan Qingzhi (ed.), Environmental Politics: Theories and Practice, Shandong University Press, pp. 197 - 214 (in Mandarin).

-- (2006) ‘Ci sono prove empiriche a sostegno della tesi del cartel party? Partiti e società nell’Europa occidentale’, in: Luciano Bardi (ed.), Partiti e sistemi di partito. Il ‘cartel party’ e oltre, Bologona: il Mulino, pp. 103 - 122.

-- (2005), ‘Parteien ohne (An)Bindung: Verkümmern die organisatorsichen Wurzeln der Parteien?’, in: Josef Schmid & Udo Zolleis (eds.), Zwischen Anarchie und Strategie. Der Erfolg von Parteiorganisationen, Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 43 - 62.

-- (2005), ‘A Presidentialzing Party State? The Federal Republic of Germany’, in: Thomas Poguntke & Paul Webb (eds.), The Presidentialization of Politics. A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 62 - 85 (paperback edition 2007).

-- & Paul Webb (2005), ‘The Presidentialization of Politics in Democratic Societies? A Framework for Analysis’, in: Thomas Poguntke & Paul Webb (eds.), The Presidentialization of Politics. A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1 - 25.

Webb, Paul & Thomas Poguntke (2005), ‘The Presidentialization of Contemporary Democratic Politics: Evidence, Causes, and Consequences’, in: Thomas Poguntke & Paul Webb (eds.), The Presidentialization of Politics. A Comparative Study of Modern Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 334 - 354.

-- (2004), ‘Do Parties Respond to Voters? Challenges to Political Parties and their Consequences’, in: Kay Lawson & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), How Political Parties Respond. Interest Aggregation Revisited, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 1 - 14.

-- (2003), ‘International vergleichende Parteienforschung’, in: Dirk Berg-Schlosser & Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (eds.), Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 4. Auflage, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, pp. 183 - 200.

-- (2003), ‘Die Bündnisgrünen nach der Bundestagswahl 2002: Auf dem Weg zur linken Funktionspartei?’, in: Oskar Niedermayer (ed.), Die Parteien nach der Bundestagswahl 2002, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, pp. 89 - 108.

-- (2002), ‘Party Organisational Linkage: Parties without Firm Social Roots?’, in: Kurt Richard Luther & Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (eds.), Political Parties in the New Europe: Political and Analytical Challenges, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 43 - 62.

-- (2002), ‘Parteiorganisationen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Einheit in der Vielfalt?’ in: Oscar W. Gabriel, Oskar Niedermayer & Richard Stöss (eds.), Parteiendemokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2. Aufl., Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, (simultaneously published by: Westdeutscher Verlag), pp. 253 -273.

-- (2000), ‘Präsidiale Regierungschefs – Verändern sich die parlamentarischen Demokratien?’, in: Oskar Niedermayer & Bettina Westle (eds.), Demokratie und Partizipation. Festschrift für Max Kaase, Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 356 - 371.

-- (1999), ‘The Winner Takes it All: The FDP in 1982/1983 - Maximizing Votes, Office and Policy?’, in: Kaare Strøm & Wolfgang C. Müller (eds.), Policy, Office, or Votes? How Political Parties Make Hard Decisions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 216 -236.

-- (1999), ‘Die Bündnisgrünen in der babylonischen Gefangenschaft der SPD’, in: Oskar Niedermayer (ed.), Die Parteien nach der Bundestagswahl 1998, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, pp. 83 - 101.

-- (1998), ‘Party Organisations’, in: Jan van Deth (ed.), Comparative Politics. The Problem of Equivalence, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 156 - 179.

-- (1997), ‘Politische Parteien’, in: Oscar W. Gabriel & Everhard Holtmann (eds.), Handbuch politisches System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, München: Oldenbourg Verlag, pp. 501 - 523 (2. Auflage 1999).

-- (1997), ‘Parteiorganisationen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Einheit in der Vielfalt?’ in: Oscar W. Gabriel, Oskar Niedermayer & Richard Stöss (eds.), Parteiendemokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 257 - 276 (Buchausgabe: Westdeutscher Verlag).

-- (1996), ‘Bündnis 90/Die Grünen’, in: Oskar Niedermayer (ed.), Intermediäre Strukturen in Ostdeutschland, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, pp. 87 - 112.

Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand & Thomas Poguntke (1995), ‘Introduction’, in: Ferdinand Müller-Rommel & Thomas Poguntke (eds.), New Politics, Aldershot: Dartmouth, pp. xi - xvii.

-- (1994), ‘Basisdemokratie and Political Realities: The German Green Party’, in: Kay Lawson (ed.), How Political Parties Work: Perspectives from Within, Westport, Con. and London: Praeger, pp. 3 - 22.

-- (1994), ‘Parties in a Legalistic Culture: the Case of Germany’, in: Richard Katz & Peter Mair (eds.), How Parties Organize: Adaptation and Change in Party Organizations in Western Democracies, London: Sage, pp. 185 - 215.

-- (1993), ‘Zwischen Ideologie und Empirie: Der Stand der Forschung zu den Grünen’, in: Oskar Niedermayer & Richard Stöss (eds.), Stand und Perspektiven der Parteienforschung in Deutschland, Opladen, pp. 187 - 210.

-- & Bernhard Boll (1992), ‘Germany’, in: Richard Katz & Peter Mair (eds.), Party Organizations. A Data Handbook, London: Sage, pp. 317 - 388.

Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand & Thomas Poguntke (2-1992), ‘Die Grünen’, in: Alf Mintzel & Heinrich Oberreuter (eds.), Parteien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 319 - 361 (Buchausgabe: Leske + Budrich).

Boll, Bernhard & Thomas Poguntke (1992), ‘The 1990 All-German Election Campaign’, in: David M. Farrell & Shaun Bowler (eds.), Electoral Strategies and Political Marketing, London: Macmillan, pp. 121 - 143.

Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand & Thomas Poguntke (1991), ‘Lebensstile und Wahlverhalten’, in: Hans Georg Wehling (Red.), Wahlverhalten, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 179 - 193 (Buchausgabe von Der Bürger im Staat, No. 3, 1990).

Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand & Thomas Poguntke (1990), ‘Die Grünen’, in: Alf Mintzel & Heinrich Oberreuter (eds.), Parteien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 276 - 310 (Buchausgabe: Olzog Verlag).

-- & Hermann Schmitt (1990), ‘Die Grünen: Entstehungshintergrund, Politisch-Programmatische Entwicklung und Auswirkung auf andere Parteien’, in: Josef Schmid & Heinrich Tiemann (eds.), Zukunftsdiskussion in Parteien und Verbänden, Marburg: SP-Verlag, pp. 191 - 194.

-- (1990), ‘Party Activists Versus Voters: Are the German Greens Losing Touch with the Electorate?’, in: Wolfgang Rüdig (ed.), Green Politics I, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 29 - 46.

-- (1989), ‘The "New Politics Dimension" in European Green Parties’, in: Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (ed.), New Politics in Western Europe. The Rise and Success of Green Parties and Alternative Lists, Boulder and London: Westview, pp. 175 - 194.

Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand & Thomas Poguntke (1989), ‘The Unharmonious Family: Green Parties in Western Europe’, in: Eva Kolinski (ed.), The Greens in West Germany, Oxford: Berg, pp. 11 - 30.

-- (1989), ‘Die Grünen. Eine neue Milieupartei?’, in: Winne Hermann & Wolfgang Schwegler-Rohmeis (eds.), 10 Jahre Grüne in Baden-Württemberg. Ein eigenständiger Weg?, Stuttgart: Thienemann, pp. 161 - 170.

-- (1989), ‘Basisdemokratie als grünes Gegenmodell?’, in: Hans-Georg Wehling (Red.), Parteien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 86 - 98 (Buchausgabe von Der Bürger im Staat, No. 4, 1989).

Contributions to Yearbooks

EJPR Political Data Yearbook

Poguntke, Thomas & Lucy Kinski (2019), ‘Germany’, in: Andreas Bågenholm & Alistair Clark (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2018, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 105 - 112.

-- & Lucy Kinski (2018), ‘Germany’, in: Andreas Bågenholm & Alistair Clark (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2017, Vol. 57 No. 1, pp. 107 - 114.

-- & Lucy Kinski (2017), ‘Germany’, in: Andreas Bågenholm & Liam Weeks (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2016, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 107- 14.

-- & Benjamin von dem Berge (2016), ‘Germany’, in: Andreas Bågenholm, Kevin Degan-Krause & Liam Weeks (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2015, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 106- 12.

-- & Benjamin von dem Berge (2015), ‘Germany’, in: Andreas Bagenholm, Kevin Degan-Krause & Liam Weeks (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2014, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 117- 24.

-- & Benjamin von dem Berge (2014), ‘Germany’, in: Andreas Bagenholm, Kevin Degan-Krause & Rainbow Murray (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2013, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 131- 39.

-- & Jan Kette (2013), ‘Germany’, in: Andreas Bagenholm, Kevin Degan-Krause & Liam Weeks (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2012, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 83 - 86.

-- (2012), ‘Germany’, in: Daniele Caramani, Kevin Deegan-Krause & Rainbow Murray (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2011, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 117 - 121.

-- (2011), ‘Germany’, in: Daniele Caramani, Kevin Deegan-Krause & Rainbow Murray (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2010, Vol. 50, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 980 - 984.

-- (2010), ‘Germany’, in: Tim Bale & Ingrid van Biezen (eds.), Eurpoean Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2009, Vol. 49, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 982 - 990.

-- (2009), ‘Germany’, in: Tim Bale & Ingrid van Biezen (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2008, Vol. 48, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 964 - 967.

-- (2008), ‘Germany’, in: Tim Bale & Ingrid van Biezen (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2007, Vol. 47, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 957 - 961.

-- (2007), ‘Germany’, in: Tim Bale & Ingrid van Biezen (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2006, Vol. 46, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 957 - 961.

-- (2006), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ingrid van Biezen (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Yearbook 2005, Vol. 45, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 1010 - 1016.

-- (2005), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ingrid van Biezen (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 2004, Vol. 44, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 1019 - 1024.

-- (2004), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ingrid van Biezen (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 2003, Vol. 43, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 1010 - 1014.

-- (2003), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 2002, Vol. 42, Nos. 7 - 8, pp. 957 - 963.

-- (2002), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ruud Koole (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 2001, Vol. 41, Nos. 3 - 4, pp. 959 - 963.

-- (2001), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ruud Koole (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 2001, Vol. 40, Nos. 3 - 4, pp. 307 - 312.

-- (2000), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ruud Koole (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 2000, Vol. 38, Nos. 3 - 4, pp. 390 -396.

-- (1999), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ruud Koole (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 1999, Vol. 36, No. 3 - 4, pp. 395 - 404.

-- (1998), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ruud Koole (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 1998, Vol. 34, Nos. 3 - 4, pp. 403 - 408.

-- (1997), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ruud Koole (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 1997 , Vol. 32, Nos. 3 - 4, pp. 367 - 373.

-- (1996), ‘Germany’, in: Richard S. Katz & Ruud Koole (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 1996 , Vol. 30, Nos. 3 – 4, pp. 347 - 353.

-- (1995), ‘Germany’, in: Ruud Koole & Peter Mair (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 1995, Vol. 28, Nos. 3 - 4, pp. 341 - 352.

-- (1994), ‘Germany’, in: Ruud Koole & Peter Mair (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 1994, Vol. 26, Nos. 3 - 4, pp. 305 - 312.

-- (1993), ‘Germany’, in: Ruud Koole & Peter Mair (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 1992, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 435 - 440.

-- (1992), ‘Germany’, in: Ruud Koole & Peter Mair (eds.), European Journal of Political Research: Political Data Year­book 1991, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 409 - 416.

iAnnual Development Report of Germany- Deutschland-Jahrbuch

Lucy Kinski & Thomas Poguntke (2017) ‘Die deutsche Parteienlandschaft im Jahr 2015’, in: Chunrong Zheng (ed), Annual Development Report of Germany, Social Sciencer Academic Press (China), pp. 17 - 41.

Benjamin von dem Berge & Thomas Poguntke(2016), ‘Die deutsche Parteienlandschaft im Jahr 2015’, in: Chunrong Zheng (ed), Annual Development Report of Germany, Social Sciencer Academic Press (China), pp. 63 – 77.

Contributions to Handbooks

Walther, Jens & Thomas Poguntke (2013), ‘Freie Wähler‘, in: Uwe Andersen & Wichard Woyke (eds.), Handwörterbuch des politischen Systems Deutschland, 7th edn., Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 233 - 238.

-- (2005), ‘Political Parties and Other Organizations’, in : Richard S. Katz & Bill Crotty (eds.) (2006), Handbook of Party Politics, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage, pp. 396 - 405.

-- (2002), ‘Bündnis 90/Die Grünen’, in: Martin Greiffenhagen & Sylvia Greiffenhagen (eds.), Handwörterbuch zur politischen Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 57 - 62.


Klaus H. Goetz, Peter Mair and Gordon Smith (eds.), European Politics: Past, Presents, Futures, London: Routledge; Review article entitled: ‘Changing Times, Changing Places – Thirty Years of West European Politics’, in: European Political Science, 2009, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 456 - 461.

Charles Lees (2000), The Red-Green Coalition. Politics, Personalities and Power, Manchester: Manchester University Press, in: Party Politics, 2002, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 623 - 624.

Russell J. Dalton & Martin P. Wattenberg (2000) (eds.), Parties without Partisans. Political Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, in: West European Politics, 2002, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 225 - 227.

Jürgen Hoffmann (1998), Die doppelte Vereinigung. Vorgeschichte, Verlauf, und Auswirkungen des Zusammenschlusses von Grünen und Bündnis '90, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, in: Political Studies, 2000, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 174 - 175.

Russell J. Dalton (1994), The Green Rainbow. Environmental Groups in Western Europe, New Haven & London: Princeton University Press, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 1996, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 198 - 200.

Andrei Markovits & Philip Gorski (1993), The German Left: Red, Green and Beyond, Oxford: Polity, in: Political Studies, 1994, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 341 - 342.

Stephen Padgett (ed.) (1993), Parties and Party Systems in the New Germany, Aldershot etc.: Dartmouth, in: Party Politics, 1995, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 434 - 436.

Other Publications

Thomas Poguntke (2022), ‘Digitalisierung, Parteitage und innerparteiliche Demokratie’, in: Zeitschrift für Parteienwissenschaften, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 138 - 142. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24338/mip-2022138-142

--, Susan E. Scarrow , & Paul. D. Webb (2021), ‘Democracy, Deliberation and Social Distancing in the Pandemic: Adaptive Strategies in Legislatures and Political Parties’, in: Zeitschrift für Parteienwissenschaften, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 15 - 21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24338/mip-202115-21

-- (2003), ‘Die Entstehung und Verbreitung von grünen Parteien in Westeuropa’, in: Josef Schmid (ed.), Vergleichende Analysen und empirische Vertiefungen,  (Link) (date of access).

-- (1999), ‘Die Bündnisgrünen in der Falle? Zur Strukturdebatte und den inhaltlichen Schwächen der Bündnisgrünen’, in: Kommune, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 42 - 43.

Working paper

-- (2008), ‘Party Government in the EU: On the Road to Presidentialization?’, European University Institute, Florence/Italy, Working paper SPS Nr. 10.

-- (1988), ‘Technikakzeptanz und politisches System: Die politischen Auswirkungen der Diskussion um die Kernenergie in Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Japan, der Bundesrepublik und den USA’, Forschungsstelle für gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, Universität Mannheim, Arbeitspapier 10/88.


European Commission, Secretariat-General, Merten, Heike, Poguntke, Thomas, Study on the evaluation of Regulation 1141/2014 on the statute and financing of European political parties and European political foundations, 2022, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2792/03574

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